The  Dowona  initiative

Dowona focusses on creating an intentionally inclusive, international language and multicultural middle and high school in New York City's School District 3.  

InItaliano is proud to be part of the Dowona initiative.

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Dᴐwᴐna is an Ewe word that can mean project, occupation, labor or activity depending on the context in which it is used. The Ewe Language is spoken in West African countries of Ghana, Togo and Benin. 

Worldwide immigrant families regularly attend education council meetings asking why their children cannot maintain their heritage language whilst receiving education in New York City public schools .

The Dowona Initiative is driven by a diverse group of parents in New York City, mostly immigrants, who speak different languages at home and who want to continue to support multilingual education and strengthen educational opportunities for New York's children within the New  York City public school system.