Showcase 2022

curated by 

InItaliano Communications ©

La rassegna organizzata da Naveed, del Multilingual Committee (Community Education Council 3)

La rassegna finale presso il Consolato Generale d'Italia  a New York

PS242M, Maestro José: the DL program at PS242M is embedded within a curriculum which follows the IB philosophy. PS242M is currently the only public elementary school which follows an IB. Maestro José read Il Giorno Felice.

An incredibly motivated group of diverse parents - Italian, heritage and speakers of a third language - has published their own Facebook profile to showcase extra curricular activities and announce invitations and gatherings.

Multilingual Earth Day, PS242M, International Baccalaureate School

Pre-k and k graders at  PS242M, International Baccalaureate School

PS132K (Williamsburg): Maestra Domenica, Maestra Jessica e Maestra Kimberly 

PS 132 Dual Language Showcase

PS112K (Bensonhurst): Maestra Rosalie, Maestra Rosemarie, Maestra Teresa, Maestra Sabrina, Maestra Samantha , Maestra Lidia, with the support of Maestra Jennifer and Maestra Artemis.

The DL at PS112K was the first one to take off in 2016, when the school was administered by Principal Louise Verdemare. 

The Italian DL program currently runs until 5th grade, under the leadership of Gisella Trunzo (Assistant Principal) and the newly appointed Principal Jennifer Potter.

Each grade chose a different book from the selection of Valigie Narranti.

Class K worked on Professione Coccodrillo by Giovanna Zoboli, Mariachiara Di Giorgio, ed. Topipittori; 

first grade >> I cinque Malfatti, by Beatrice Alemagna, ed. Topipittori; 

second grade >> Nella Notte Blu. Con un ditino by Gabriele Clima, 

third grade >> Il circo delle nuvole, by GeK Tessaro, Lapis; 

fourth grade >> Bimboleone e altri bambini, by Gabriele Clima and Giacomo A.Modica, Edizioni Corsare

fifth grade >> Un colore bellissimo, by Marco Scalcione, ed. Minibombo 

A note from the fifth grade teacher Lidia De Angelis Orsino: 

"We discussed the author's message: to celebrate diversity and to understand someone better by learning about their background".

In this section we are hosting the contributions of those families whose children go to public schools that do not offer an Italian program. What you'll see has been produced by the children at home, with the exclusive support from their parents.

Private or independent schools in NYC

La Collina Italiana

Tutino - Collina Italiana
La papera gialla - Collina Italiana
La palla - Collina Italiana